CSR Racing 2 - Tips , Tricks , and Strategy Guide
CSR Racing 2 - Tips , Tricks , and Strategy Guide
The only time that this is not true is for the half-mile races in the very beginning. You’re going to start off at an inherent disadvantage at these until you unlock transmission tuning, which happens at upgrade level four. Once you do, go to the tuning area and stretch out your gear ratios. The longer the gear ratios, the better you’ll do in the last half of the half-mile, and the longer that you can increase your speed for before you run out of steam.
As you open more and more bronze boxes in the rare imports area, you will come across rare and uncommon car parts, but many of them won’t be for cars in your tier. Parts can be sold for money, and some, such as parts for the Dodge Viper ACR, will earn you a large quantity of money, so sell them unless you really want to keep them around for later.
The first four stages of an upgrade will arrive instantly. The fifth stage of an upgrade is an imported part, and will take some time to show up – anywhere between 20 minutes and an hour depending on the part. The stage 6 upgrade, which is far rarer, can be found under rare imports and in special races for prizes.

CSR Racing 2 is the long-awaited sequel to the smash hit CSR Racing by NaturalMotion, who was also the crew behind Clumsy Ninja. This game brings back all of the street racing fun of the original, plus many other features to allow for maximum car customization and strategy. You can race for cash, gold, keys, and more, driving faster and more exotic cars against increasingly better and more skilled racers. Read on for some tips and tricks for CSR Racing 2!
The most important part of any of these races is to nail the shift timing and the start timing perfectly. Not only will you go faster if you take off and shift with the needle in the green, you will also win extra cash for doing so. The shift indicator is not perfect, though. If you have a lot of wheelspin when you start or shift, then try shifting a bit earlier or starting at a slightly lower RPM.
You can add a significant amount of speed to your car just by doing some smart tuning. As you adjust your nitrous, tires, or any other part of the car, you’ll see the added potential decrease or increase – that’s the “+nn” sign with a number added to or subtracted from your car’s overall potential. Tune your car all over the tuning spectrum to see how high you can increase the potential to, and retune your car when you get new upgrades.
Race in the prize cup and in the custom cup in order to earn more bronze keys, silver keys, and gold keys so that you can get uncommon and rare fusion parts to add to your car. Uncommon parts can be added to a level 4 upgrade part, while rare parts can be added onto a level 5 upgrade part.
If a race’s difficulty level appears to be in the blue, then that means it will be massively easy to beat. If it’s in the green, it will still be fairly easy to beat. If it’s in the orange, it’s going to be difficult but it is most likely beatable. However, if it is in the red with all four bars filled, then that means that it’s going to be almost impossible to beat.The most important part of any of these races is to nail the shift timing and the start timing perfectly. Not only will you go faster if you take off and shift with the needle in the green, you will also win extra cash for doing so. The shift indicator is not perfect, though. If you have a lot of wheelspin when you start or shift, then try shifting a bit earlier or starting at a slightly lower RPM.
You can add a significant amount of speed to your car just by doing some smart tuning. As you adjust your nitrous, tires, or any other part of the car, you’ll see the added potential decrease or increase – that’s the “+nn” sign with a number added to or subtracted from your car’s overall potential. Tune your car all over the tuning spectrum to see how high you can increase the potential to, and retune your car when you get new upgrades.
Race in the prize cup and in the custom cup in order to earn more bronze keys, silver keys, and gold keys so that you can get uncommon and rare fusion parts to add to your car. Uncommon parts can be added to a level 4 upgrade part, while rare parts can be added onto a level 5 upgrade part.
The only time that this is not true is for the half-mile races in the very beginning. You’re going to start off at an inherent disadvantage at these until you unlock transmission tuning, which happens at upgrade level four. Once you do, go to the tuning area and stretch out your gear ratios. The longer the gear ratios, the better you’ll do in the last half of the half-mile, and the longer that you can increase your speed for before you run out of steam.
As you open more and more bronze boxes in the rare imports area, you will come across rare and uncommon car parts, but many of them won’t be for cars in your tier. Parts can be sold for money, and some, such as parts for the Dodge Viper ACR, will earn you a large quantity of money, so sell them unless you really want to keep them around for later.
The first four stages of an upgrade will arrive instantly. The fifth stage of an upgrade is an imported part, and will take some time to show up – anywhere between 20 minutes and an hour depending on the part. The stage 6 upgrade, which is far rarer, can be found under rare imports and in special races for prizes.
Connect the game to Facebook in order to earn quick bonuses. You can
share gas pips with your friends when you link up to Facebook, as long
as they play the game as well, and if they don’t, then look for people
to add in the comments section of this page or the review pages of the
App Store or Google Play. Or invite your friends who play the first CSR.
Plus you can race against your friends for money and prizes, and earn
free cash.
If you plan to spend money on in-app purchases, then hit the offers page before you spend ANYTHING so you can see what the latest offers are. Offers will typically include cash, keys and gold all bundled together, for a much lower price than what each one of them would be individually, and new offers are swapped in and out frequently.
Specific cars can earn you a respect points bonus and a cash bonus.
Typically, it’s the cars that are not available in a dealership, but
instead can only be one with keys. Silver keys can win you common cars;
gold keys tend to win you exotics and epically powerful cars that the
silver keys can’t even touch.
If you don’t want to test your car on the dyno, it’s almost as quick to test your car in a regulation race instead. Plus, you don’t have to pay money; instead, you win money. Go to the regulation race to test the effects of changing your shift points, changing your launch RPM and other things. Until you unlock half-mile regulation races, you’ll have to use the prize races to test half-mile races instead of using the regulation races.
If you plan to spend money on in-app purchases, then hit the offers page before you spend ANYTHING so you can see what the latest offers are. Offers will typically include cash, keys and gold all bundled together, for a much lower price than what each one of them would be individually, and new offers are swapped in and out frequently.
Play the daily battles every single day, and multiple times per day whenever possible. Daily races will put you up in a borrowed car against someone with an identical car, and if you beat them, you will win the race and win gold, keys and other mystery prizes. Take extra care to perfect your launch and shift timing so that you can win the race.
Join a crew and race in the crew battle as often as possible. As you win races, you will gain wins for your crew. As your crew racks up respect points, you’ll win prizes such as crew RP (respect points) and silver keys. Each individual win also earns respect points for you and for your crew.
So what do crew RP do then? They boost your position in the crew championships, which go on for two weeks at a time. At the end of the championship period, crews are ranked by their RP and members will earn prizes such as keys (gold, silver and bronze), gold, and cash. The higher the rank, the better the prizes.
The fusion trial is a type of race that requires you to fuse the right parts. If you do fuse the right parts, then you can participate, and the cash prizes can be huge relative to the difficulty of the race. The fusion races refresh every day, so check back daily to see if you have the right combination of parts available to race.
Join a crew and race in the crew battle as often as possible. As you win races, you will gain wins for your crew. As your crew racks up respect points, you’ll win prizes such as crew RP (respect points) and silver keys. Each individual win also earns respect points for you and for your crew.
So what do crew RP do then? They boost your position in the crew championships, which go on for two weeks at a time. At the end of the championship period, crews are ranked by their RP and members will earn prizes such as keys (gold, silver and bronze), gold, and cash. The higher the rank, the better the prizes.
The fusion trial is a type of race that requires you to fuse the right parts. If you do fuse the right parts, then you can participate, and the cash prizes can be huge relative to the difficulty of the race. The fusion races refresh every day, so check back daily to see if you have the right combination of parts available to race.
If you don’t want to test your car on the dyno, it’s almost as quick to test your car in a regulation race instead. Plus, you don’t have to pay money; instead, you win money. Go to the regulation race to test the effects of changing your shift points, changing your launch RPM and other things. Until you unlock half-mile regulation races, you’ll have to use the prize races to test half-mile races instead of using the regulation races.
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